Celeste de Kane

Quick Details

Countess C. E. Kane

  • 30 years of age.

  • Skilled Botanist & culinarian. Private chef on request.

  • Active member & representative of the Ishgardian House of Lords.

  • Supportive combatant - red and white sorcery speciality.

  • Charitable financier.

About & Bio

The oldest child to Count Elianza and Countess Andorra de Kane, Celeste was born in the years before the Calamity. A golden child, she exhibited radiant golden hair, an incomparable charm, and a sunny disposition that saw her beloved by parents and courtiers alike.She quickly grew into her own, finding her prowess in the courtly behaviours; waltzing, dining, entertaining lords and ladies of Ishgard & the Archbishop himself, along with listening to the pleas of common folk, lending a hand in the yards, and even learning her trade in Botany.In the late depths of summer, when the hillside of Western Coerthas was awash with the rich hue of the melting sun, Celeste was summoned to the Chateau library, where she was introduced to a travelling sorcerer by the name of Totomiso Sesemiso. A peculiar soul, he bore a spectacular talent for Red Magicks, and began to instruct her in the ways of balancing between white and blue sorceries to craft the Red Magick. Little did she know that as the Calamity befell her and her family, she would be swept up into a fight for survival.Time passed by from the Calamity, and the Dragonsong war re-emerged as the primary threat to Ishgardian life. By this point, Celeste's younger siblings Yshgalar (a fiercely intelligent and beautiful girl) and Fabien (a naive yet staunch loyalist of Ishgard) had been borne. Their mother had died in the aftermath of the Calamity and Elianza had fallen into a deep reprieve, lashing out at everyone and everything and for many years, their home became like a prison - entombing her and her siblings as the grounds outside were swallowed by the blistering blizzards and crops were torn asunder by the winds from the hills.One night, as the moon shone high over the Highlands, a wayward dragon found itself in the estate, and unleashed scorching flames upon the land. In the midst of the chaos, Celeste rose to the forefront and helped to defend the estate, using her scope of magical knowledge to help quench the flames. After this frightful occurrence, and her fathers inability to protect the estate, Celeste made the tough decision of sending her siblings away - her sister to an expat group of Sharlayan scholars based in Idyllshire that she might study Aetherology and hone her craft and her brother to the city of Gridania in the Twelveswood that he might gain an understanding of using the Lance.For the next few years, Celeste helmed the family estate and ran things against her fathers wishes. When the time came for the final bout of the Dragonsong War, Elianza and Celeste took up arms to defend the property and the family once more, fighting for victory alongside the other brave souls of Ishgard.As the smoke settled, and life returned somewhat to normal following the Archbishop's betrayal, Elianza abdicated his seat of power and appointed his daughter as Countess of House Kane. Now into her late 20's, she gladly accepted the mantle, and brought her siblings back home to the estate. She now continues to serve her family and the people of Ishgard as a member of the House of Lords. She takes a particular interest in the reparations of Falcon's Nest and the Western Highlands, and took a deep interest in the Firmament - going so far as to redirect many house resources to supporting the rebuilding. She has also joined a team of nobles seeking to repair The Brume, and see some equilibrium brought about for all citizens of Ishgard.

The Final Days & Sharlayan

As the rumoured 'final days' approached, Celeste found herself having to depart from the mainland of Eorzea and travel north-west to the Empty North and the island nation of Sharlayan. Due to a particularly cold blizzard that had blown through Ishgard, and had lingered around the Western Coerthan Highlands, those in the Sea of Clouds had been impacted and the crops that they cultivated had been decimated. As a known and practicing botanist in the region, Celeste was summoned to see if she might be able to offer any solutions to the issue. Putting her botany skills to the test, she is now seeking answers to the problem at hand, lest the food reserves suffer a final days of their very own.

Magic & Knowledge

An independent soul, Celeste has always sought to remain one step ahead of her enemies. She is a skilled Red Mage - having mastered the art in Ishgard. Most recently, she has taking up attempting her hand at the art of the Sage, though being so different to standard forms of magic, she is struggling to pick this up.Celeste is a born researcher, and loves to spend her time invested in learning about all manner of things. Her passion for knowledge came about from her need to keep up with the egotistical lords of the House of Lords in Ishgard, and as such she prides herself on developing her own opinions and solutions to the matters of the realm.

House & Connections

House Kane is closely associated with House Haillenarte, albeit they do more commercial work in their fields and surrounding areas, as opposed to directly with the High House. Through Haillenarte’s vassalage, House Kane receives the benefits of the Skysteel Manufactory for their farmlands and wider culinary practices, however they do not rely on the high house for defence as fervently.Growth and commercial trade of carrots, parsnips, flax, tea and chestnuts, along with the strange vanilla bean skyrocketed House Kane in the early days. They are renowned shepherds of Karakul and Cattle and were avid contributors/financiers to/of the Shepherd's Guild in Falcon’s Nest prior to the Calamity. They also had an orchard on the southern banks of Banepool that was closely guarded and grew an abundance of Mirror Apples, which were mostly shipped to Gyr Abania and Thanalan.Recently, Celeste has also developed a connection with the estranged Baron Brian de Norwynn. As a rather new citizen of Ishgard, brought in by marriage, the Baron struggled significantly after his wife was accused of heresy and presumably sentenced to death. Celeste has taken a particular interest in helping him navigate this strange new world and helping him assert himself as the noble he has become.

Roleplay Hooks

1. Nobility
Celeste grew up as the eldest daughter of Elianza and Endorra de Kane, and took over the title of Countess when her parents adbicated their position. She has a very keen interest in politics, and as a serving member of the House of Lords, is always seeking alliances.
2. Politics & the Pursuit of Knowledge
As the Countess of House de Kane, Celeste sits proudly on the House of Lords, and helps to advise on matters of the realm. She is an active researcher, and seeks out solutions to problems that she might present reasoned opinions and knowledgable options to the many Lords which sit on the House of Lords.
3. Budding Adventurer
As a master Red Mage, Celeste is always on the lookout for friends to adventure with, people to help and quests to be solved through to completion! (Particularly interested in long-term, story-driven adventures!)
4. Trade & Welfare
Celeste was a key figure in helping to orchestrate the construction of The Firmament, assisting in procuring funds from the great houses, most notably House Haillenarte. She also does work in the Brume, working towards having it repaired and reconstructed ahead of the Firmament opening.
5. Cooking, Magicks & Botany
In her time in Thanalan, Celeste spent many moons working as a Head Chef, crafting delectable dishes for an array of guests. On top of this, she is a skilled Red Mage, and is a lover of the simple art of gardening. Most commonly she can be found tending to the garden at her home in the mist.

Contact & OOC

Discord: Aieyla#6646
In-game: Celeste Kane, Mateus
Timezone: New Zealand (NZST/GMT+12)
I'm looking for any likeminded people to join me in telling great stories! Looking for commitment to a longer-term dialogue and story than one-offs but happy with anything.You can usually find Celeste around Ishgard, at her home in Empyreum (Mateus Ward 5, Plot 17), at Falcon's Nest, or (due to her developing story) now in the region of Old Sharlayan.In terms of RP, Celeste is open to pretty much anything, but not any sort of sexual violence, or graphic abuse.